Hell is not a place, it is a state of mind.

The Devil lives inside all of us. It shows up in your fears, your doubts, your limiting beliefs, which end up ruling your life if you’re not being cautious. There is a way to break through these blocks, start living a life from love and take the driver’s seat over your life. In this initiation I’ll introduce you to how you can elevate your mind, body and soul to create your Heaven on Earth.

Highway to Heart

3-day initiation towards creating Heaven on Earth.

Pre-recorded workshop series 21-22-23 February 2025

"The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart"

Andrew Bennett

Sign up

Initiate your Journey from the Roads of Hell into your Heaven on Earth in this 3-day video series.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Do you…

    • let your emotions run the show?

    • want to find more inner peace?

    • stay stuck in negative thought cycles?

    • feel powerless to change anything?

    • lack the clarity or courage to move forward?

    • lack drive and purpose?

    • want to feel more alive and fulfilled?

    • want to feel true connection, and nurture soul-level relationships?

    • want to grow your self-worth, self-trust and certainty in life?

    • Transforming negativity into opportunity.

    • Building your home within.

    • Reconnecting with what brings you joy.

    • Your drive and purpose.

    • A love-led life, lived from the heart.

    This is a powerful initiation to alchemise a life out of fear into a life out of love, trust, purpose and aliveness.

    This initiation will introduce you to…

    Sign up

    Initiate your Journey from the Roads of Hell into your Heaven on Earth in this 3-day video series.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
      • You will receive 3 practices over 3 days to bring awareness and cleanse what blocks the way to your heart.

      • Initiation to the heart frequency

      Learn about your hard-wired system and learn the tools on how to shift into more positivity, power and purpose.

      What to expect:

      Dorien Jooken is the founder of Return to Āyā, a movement that guides people back to their essence, health, success and wellness in life.

      Dorien calls herself an activist for a better world, by using her experience in teaching yoga, tantra, meditation and mindfulness to help people love and accept every part of themselves, also the parts we repress and hide away. Because self-love is at the base of developing healthy relationships, mental clarity and life purpose.

      Since 16 years old, Dorien is on a quest to better understand her own challenging life situation, self-sabotaging patterns and what healthy relationships and communication looks like. This lead her to studying pedagogical sciences, psychology and eventually to the path of yoga, tantra and meditation - which really filled the gaps she was looking for.

      Her holistic knowledge background, allows Dorien to combine both the Western and Eastern point of views in her coaching, retreats, workshops and classes.

      And today, she combines everything she experienced and knows into a 3-month long transformative The Liberation Blueprint, allowing you to decondition physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically, and take complete ownership over your life.