Is Return to Āyā for you?
In the past months I’ve been traveling a lot. I met all sorts of people from different nationalities, backgrounds, interests, jobs, income, age… And from what I will tell you now, I’ve been having this conversation a lot recently…
What are we here for? What are we doing in this universe? On this planet earth?
Most people are too busy to ask themselves these kinds of questions.
If you really think about it, the way we humans, are created in the womb, born into this world, live our lives and eventually pass away. Isn’t it truly magical?
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Layers of conditioning
But what I want to talk about is the time in between birth and death. The gift of human life. Because a lot of people are not really living their lives while they are here.
So, as we enter this earth as a baby, we are born as pure beings. Innocent. We are merely our essence, our soul.
And as we grow older, we learn how to behave nicely in society, we learn the customs of the culture we grow up in, we get conditioned by our parent’s style of parenting, we are formed by the environment of our upbringing, we adopt the mindset of our parents and our friends, and so on.
We are moulded to fit into the expectations of this world. But of course we are not raised by perfect machines, but by other people, by systems made by people and by cultures, shaped by people.
Human imperfection
And people are not perfect. While your parents may have had the best intentions while raising you, everybody has experienced moments in life that were shameful, that were hurtful, that may have had a big impact on you and has influenced the way you think, feel and behave right now.
For some people these memories might even have been traumatic, and have created deep wounds that may still impact your adult life today.
The passing of our patterns
If these wounds, or limiting beliefs are unaddressed, we pass them on to our children. And so on, and so on. Imagine your own parents here, and your grandparents, and the patterns you might see being passed on to you.
What you may notice here, is that through all this conditioning, you might live your life separated from your essence. You might notice that you let your life be guided by fear, by shame, by expectations of others, by simply not knowing better and living life on autopilot.
Your life is a result of your choices
I found a lot of people somehow being “jealous” of the free life that I am living now. Because they are stuck in their jobs, with kids, with their house. But the life you are leading now is only the result of the choices you have made in the past. If you don’t like the life you are living, you simply need to learn how to make better choices and take responsibility over your life. And a choice always comes with a price, you will need to make sacrifices, no matter the choice. The reason why I live this life now is because I didn’t choose the job, the partner, the house so far, but I chose to carve out my own path. And you can only do this if you place full trust in life. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with ‘the normal’ way of living. Although I do think every choice must be made consciously.
And too many people live a life on autopilot. People tend to forget the very form of our existence in their busy lives. They are so preoccupied with merely surviving, earning money, finding a partner, building a family, trying to grasp control over their lives, that this is all they seem to care about. The sense of insecurity makes them only more controlling. It’s like society has created the blueprint on how to reach this illusion of safety, by contributing and sticking to the system. Which is a path that most people walk and where the outcome is more predictable when you hold onto it compared to when you design your life yourself.
The idea of taking a different path makes these people shudder. Because the lack of control makes them paralyzed. With the result that they’d rather stick to this predetermined plan where they already know the outcome and where they might be okay happy, rather than to trust life completely, and to rest in the knowing that everyone of us has a purpose here, which can only be unlocked if we give ourselves the space and freedom to let life happen to us, and where we can reach our full potential.
Reclaiming control over your life
So Return to Āyā is the journey back to your essence, the path back to your truth, the rediscovery of your soul. By growing your awareness, by increasing your consciousness, by clearing inner blocks, limiting beliefs, by bringing your shadows to light, by addressing your childhood wounds, … you will remember who you truly are. It is an unlearning journey of all conditioning, so you can now design the life from a renewed place.
Return to Āyā is basically my own self-discovery journey. All the trainings, courses, life experience that I’ve been through myself, and I now like to share it all with you.
After years of sabotaging my love life, jobs, of people pleasing, of feeling unworthy, of living on auto-pilot, of living life out of shame and fear, I finally found the capacity and courage to take responsibility over my life, of deep trust in life and my own capabilities, I found peace within and now feel deeply fulfilled with everything I do. I feel connected to myself, my body, each other and the bigger world where we all are part of.
Is Return to Āyā for you?
So if you feel like you resonate with what I just said.
If you feel like you are seeking more meaning in your life,
if you know there’s something more to life than living a life on auto-pilot,
if you are craving a deeper connection with yourself, with others and the universe,
if you want to stop self sabotaging your love life, your career, other relationships
if you feel like you can’t just be with yourself,
like shame and fear play a big role for you,
if you feel like you want to live a softer life more on your own pace,
like you want to live by your own rules and want to find out how,
if you want to break the cycle of your generational patterns or trauma,
if you deeply want to understand who you truly are,
Then you are in the right place. Through meditation, yoga and tantra, it is my mission to build a community of people who want to become the leader in their story and take responsibility of their lives. This way I call myself an activist for a better world, because our outer world is a reflection of our inner reality, and if we heal and grow, we can build a happier and more beautiful world.
I created a shadow workbook which is an introduction on how to bring your subconsciousness into your consciousness, so you can rediscover forgotten or repressed parts of yourself. Which will make you feel more whole, more in control, like authentic.
With love and gratitude,